Sunday, September 29, 2019

If We Go Through The Poem We Will Get The Glimpse

Animism was the first Indian poet to catch and voice these trends in his poetry. As a modern poet in India, he started to voice his own thoughts and opinions, his own experiences, which were the experiences of the every man.. In all his creative works he was very keen to select Indian situations and present them with a purely Indian attitude. He was not for idealism and romanticism, the soft and beautiful aspects of life. He highlighted the reality of Indian life with its bitterness ,hypocrisy and bits of sweetness through the lives of common people.The characters of is poems are from different walks of life but without a bit of exaggeration. We feel and experience the Indians and Indian culture, Indian temperament through each and every character and situation in the poems. If we go through the poems we will get the glimpse about south Asian society and their cultures and politics. Animism Ezekiel creates an authentic flavor of India by his use of Indian English. The Indian flavor h as created by stressing various mistakes which Indians commit in their use of English. Animism Ezekiel is entirely Indian not only in sensibility but also in proper use of Indian attitudes.In the â€Å"Very Indian Poem In Indian English† the common mistakes committed by Indians in using English and other Indians are freely employed to create the typical flavor with an artistic purpose In a realistic way. This has started giving with a ironic title. In this poem, very sit few lines indicate that there is going on political unrest or chaotic moment in society. â€Å"l am standing for peace and non violence. Why world is fighting fighting' After uttering these line he tells that why we are not following Mahatma Gandhi.He has taken the great Indian character in his poem who stood for peace. He also tells us that we are totally away from our ancient culture. He also used 200%, 100% and very colonial words to satire and to indicate that modern generation are so far away from our a ncient culture. Modern generation are cherishing foreign cultures, fashion and neglecting their own culture. So he uses these Irony towards modern generation. † But modern generation is neglecting – Too much going for fashion and foreign thing' He also satire the political leaders ,because their allured speech much than their works.Perhaps he has wanted to say that whatever they tell, they doesn't turn it into org. He also stairs their way of behaving and he is also taken glimpse of their speech that â€Å"Friends, Romans, countrymen, am saying Lend me the ears. The regrettable thing in the modern world is the act of violence and anti – social tendencies proving to be a menace. Still the positive aspects like regeneration, remuneration and contraception could be thought of as a way out of the present muddle. One can certainly hope for the better and propagate the best that is thought as unique.He has also very aptly shown us the Indian picture-Lassie can be take n as equivalent to he western wine if only a little salt is added to make it a lovely drink. The poet confesses that he is the total abstainer from drinks while it is taken by addicts to gun themselves, he for his part would turn to simple drinks like lassie. Thus, the poet tries to receive the old Gandhi days. We can assume by this poem that there are clash between county to county, and country to country to rule over one another. It has become a trend of every country.So to come out from this poet is urging that if only one consider the other as the brother then the trend could be changed.. He gives the hand of friendliness to the visitor and expects him to come again. The poet is optimistic when he says that he enjoys every moment of good company. So, he ends the poem by saying that he does not feel the necessity of celebrating ceremonies. Animism Ezekiel has picked up the typical picture of Indian subcontinent very dexterously through the poem ‘Conga'. By depicting conga h e has shown us how wealthy class people fell pride on lower class people treating them very badly as their goods.Animism Ezekiel has depicted very common and true future Of society in very much interesting and funny way that how wealthy people neglecting harassing, torturing on their servant. The poem â€Å"Conga† has started that we pride for our generosity to servant and their generosity is that they give a chance to a prostitute woman to work at their houses. Miss Ezekiel ironically has given a pathetic description of servant how they are treating in the society. But even in our society servant are the victim of sexual harassment. So there is a question arise that is it pride that a prostitute works at wealthy men houses.It is a poke to upper class people. They give them a cup of tea which they eve preserved from previous evening. They give tem stale ‘chapatti' and give old clothes by which they could exchange a cup,etc. They give one coins and take it return. So it has been a trend of upper class that they feel comfort, enjoy by dominating them like that way. But these men never learn because of their poverty. Perhaps poet wants to tell though we are seeming greater man by possessing these things but we are in darkness. Because we are wanting to be civilize reaming them unlearned and uncivilized So it is a slap to moral civilization.The poem ‘Guru' portraits the modern picture of the Gurus who are more terrestrials than ever and above ordinary men – â€Å"the lesser considered as holy men while they totally lack all the virtues of saints. They make a sharp discrimination between the rich and the poor, men and women, countrymen and foreigners. The following lines show characteristically Indian touch which becomes an irony on our part: The saint, we are told, Once lived a life of sin nothing spectacular, of course, Just the usual things. We smile, we are not surprised. Unlikely though it seem, we too one day May grow up like him, d ropping our follies like old clothes or creeds.

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