Monday, September 30, 2019

Discuss the Journeys Represented in the Happiest Refugee

A Journey is a physical or psychological adventure that takes from one place to another. Various types of Journeys can be seen clearly in the three texts studied this year: The Happiest Refugee extract, written by Ann. DOD in 2010, The Silver Donkey novel by Sonny Hairnets in 2004 and the film Bend It Like Beckman directed by Grinder Chad in 2002. The techniques that the composer uses to express the journeys are personification, onomatopoeia, repetition, similes, metaphors, music and acting skills. In The Happiest Refuge, there are both physical and emotional Journeys.The extract s about Vietnam refugees escape from their war-torn country in an overcrowded, battered boat. The aim of their Journey was to safely reach Australia. Throughout their physical Journey they had to overcome many problems. For example when refugees' boat engine started spluttering, the reader is in suspense because the refugees Journey could come to an end. â€Å"†¦ The engine was spewing out thick petrol fumes†¦ † This quote uses the technique personification to gives the reader a better description and mental picture of the physical Journey. Ann. DOD also uses onomatopoeia to create a more vivid image of the experience.For example, when the patrol boat starts shooting at the refugees, their life is at risk. â€Å"Bang! Bang! Bang! † The technique onomatopoeia communicates the danger of the physical Journey and how all of their hard work, effort and preparation could all come to a halt so easily. Emotional Journeys are also represented in The Happiest Refugee. Throughout their overall Journey, the refugees faced emotions of fear, hope, relief and frustration. They were in constant fear that they could be caught by the army. In one case, pirates approached their boat forcing them to give over all of their goods. The refugees' were in a state of shock and horror. We stood there silent and numb, like sheep awaiting slaughter. † Ann. DOD uses a simile to describ e the emotions that the refugees were facing. The simile expresses the feeling of fright and makes the reader feel the same way. In other situations, feelings of weakness are conveyed. â€Å"†¦ SHUT UP! † The pirates created emotional Journeys for the refugees as they made them feel vulnerable. The quote is an example of the confidence and power of the pirates because of the emotive language as well as the exclamation mark and capital letters o stress the words. Imaginary and physical Journeys are represented in The Silver Donkey.The novel is about two sisters who find a wounded soldier in the woods. The soldier is trying to get back home so the children help and take care of him. The soldier tells the journeys. For example in one of the tales, an old donkey named Hazel is told to carry a pregnant woman a far distance. The donkey has to try and make it the distance since he is very weak to show his loyalty to his owner. â€Å"Steadily, steadily she walked keeping the da ncing baby safe†¦ † The author uses the technique repetition and alliteration to convey the imaginary Journey. This is not a real life Journey; it is the soldier making up a story.Another type of Journey that is conveyed in The Silver Donkey is the physical Journey of the soldier. The soldier has fled from the awful environment of war. He has been physically damaged resulting in weakness and suffering psychological blindness. â€Å"The soldier struggled to see the boy through the lingering fog in his eyes† This metaphor represents the physical Journey of his blindness. In the film Bend It Like Beckman there are both cultural and emotional Journeys. It is bout an Indian girl, Jess, who loves to play soccer although her family is totally against it as it's not their tradition.Jess has a special talent for the sport and knows that she can succeed in it as a career so she lies to her parent's and secretly Joins a soccer team. Jess' cultural Journey begins when she deci des that she is not going to follow her Indian culture as she can't be herself and please her family. Throughout the film Jess is switching between her fake, home Indian life and her real, outside soccer life. This cultural Journey is represented through music. When Jess is at home, vying an Indian lifestyle, there is sad, Indian music playing.Then when she is outside playing soccer there is upbeat, Joyful music playing. This technique displays that Jess is not happy with wanting to follow her Indian cultural values and is happier being herself. The emotional Journey of Jess' parent's is how they have to learn to accept who Jess is and what she wants to do with her life. At first her parent's are strict on her, not wanting her to play at all but they eventually saw the talent their daughter had and accepted it. Their emotional Journey comes from being ashamed and annoyed to coming proud and happy for their child.This Journey is conveyed from the use of drama and emotions of the acto rs. When the parent's are ashamed, their attitude is angry and disappointed and then when their emotions towards their daughter change they have a more positive attitude. When they have a positive attitude their face softens and their eyes become more warming. In conclusion the three texts studied display the types of emotional, physical, imaginary and cultural Journeys. These Journeys are clearly expressed through the techniques such as personification, onomatopoeia, repetition, music and acting skills.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

If We Go Through The Poem We Will Get The Glimpse

Animism was the first Indian poet to catch and voice these trends in his poetry. As a modern poet in India, he started to voice his own thoughts and opinions, his own experiences, which were the experiences of the every man.. In all his creative works he was very keen to select Indian situations and present them with a purely Indian attitude. He was not for idealism and romanticism, the soft and beautiful aspects of life. He highlighted the reality of Indian life with its bitterness ,hypocrisy and bits of sweetness through the lives of common people.The characters of is poems are from different walks of life but without a bit of exaggeration. We feel and experience the Indians and Indian culture, Indian temperament through each and every character and situation in the poems. If we go through the poems we will get the glimpse about south Asian society and their cultures and politics. Animism Ezekiel creates an authentic flavor of India by his use of Indian English. The Indian flavor h as created by stressing various mistakes which Indians commit in their use of English. Animism Ezekiel is entirely Indian not only in sensibility but also in proper use of Indian attitudes.In the â€Å"Very Indian Poem In Indian English† the common mistakes committed by Indians in using English and other Indians are freely employed to create the typical flavor with an artistic purpose In a realistic way. This has started giving with a ironic title. In this poem, very sit few lines indicate that there is going on political unrest or chaotic moment in society. â€Å"l am standing for peace and non violence. Why world is fighting fighting' After uttering these line he tells that why we are not following Mahatma Gandhi.He has taken the great Indian character in his poem who stood for peace. He also tells us that we are totally away from our ancient culture. He also used 200%, 100% and very colonial words to satire and to indicate that modern generation are so far away from our a ncient culture. Modern generation are cherishing foreign cultures, fashion and neglecting their own culture. So he uses these Irony towards modern generation. † But modern generation is neglecting – Too much going for fashion and foreign thing' He also satire the political leaders ,because their allured speech much than their works.Perhaps he has wanted to say that whatever they tell, they doesn't turn it into org. He also stairs their way of behaving and he is also taken glimpse of their speech that â€Å"Friends, Romans, countrymen, am saying Lend me the ears. The regrettable thing in the modern world is the act of violence and anti – social tendencies proving to be a menace. Still the positive aspects like regeneration, remuneration and contraception could be thought of as a way out of the present muddle. One can certainly hope for the better and propagate the best that is thought as unique.He has also very aptly shown us the Indian picture-Lassie can be take n as equivalent to he western wine if only a little salt is added to make it a lovely drink. The poet confesses that he is the total abstainer from drinks while it is taken by addicts to gun themselves, he for his part would turn to simple drinks like lassie. Thus, the poet tries to receive the old Gandhi days. We can assume by this poem that there are clash between county to county, and country to country to rule over one another. It has become a trend of every country.So to come out from this poet is urging that if only one consider the other as the brother then the trend could be changed.. He gives the hand of friendliness to the visitor and expects him to come again. The poet is optimistic when he says that he enjoys every moment of good company. So, he ends the poem by saying that he does not feel the necessity of celebrating ceremonies. Animism Ezekiel has picked up the typical picture of Indian subcontinent very dexterously through the poem ‘Conga'. By depicting conga h e has shown us how wealthy class people fell pride on lower class people treating them very badly as their goods.Animism Ezekiel has depicted very common and true future Of society in very much interesting and funny way that how wealthy people neglecting harassing, torturing on their servant. The poem â€Å"Conga† has started that we pride for our generosity to servant and their generosity is that they give a chance to a prostitute woman to work at their houses. Miss Ezekiel ironically has given a pathetic description of servant how they are treating in the society. But even in our society servant are the victim of sexual harassment. So there is a question arise that is it pride that a prostitute works at wealthy men houses.It is a poke to upper class people. They give them a cup of tea which they eve preserved from previous evening. They give tem stale ‘chapatti' and give old clothes by which they could exchange a cup,etc. They give one coins and take it return. So it has been a trend of upper class that they feel comfort, enjoy by dominating them like that way. But these men never learn because of their poverty. Perhaps poet wants to tell though we are seeming greater man by possessing these things but we are in darkness. Because we are wanting to be civilize reaming them unlearned and uncivilized So it is a slap to moral civilization.The poem ‘Guru' portraits the modern picture of the Gurus who are more terrestrials than ever and above ordinary men – â€Å"the lesser considered as holy men while they totally lack all the virtues of saints. They make a sharp discrimination between the rich and the poor, men and women, countrymen and foreigners. The following lines show characteristically Indian touch which becomes an irony on our part: The saint, we are told, Once lived a life of sin nothing spectacular, of course, Just the usual things. We smile, we are not surprised. Unlikely though it seem, we too one day May grow up like him, d ropping our follies like old clothes or creeds.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Historical Development of Continental Philosophy’s Existentialism Essay

Absolute Idealism left distinct marks on many facets of Western culture. True, science was indifferent to it, and common sense was perhaps stupefied by it, but the greatest political movement of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries— Marxism—was to a significant degree an outgrowth of Absolute Idealism. (Bertrand Russell remarked someplace that Marx was nothing more than Hegel mixed with British economic theory. ) Nineteenth- and twentieth-century literature, theology, and even art felt an influence. The Romantic composers of the nineteenth century, for example, with their fondness for expanded form, vast orchestras, complex scores and soaring melodies, searched for the all-encompassing musical statement. In doing so, they mirrored the efforts of the metaphysicians; whose vast and imposing systems were sources of inspiration to many artists and composers. As we have said, much of what happened in philosophy after Hegel was in response to Hegel. This response took different forms in English-speaking countries and on the European continent—so different that philosophy in the twentieth century was split into two traditions or, as we might say nowadays, two â€Å"conversations. † So-called analytic philosophy and its offshoots became the predominant tradition of philosophy in England and eventually in the United States. The response to Hegelian idealism on the European continent was quite different however; and is known (at least in English-speaking countries) as Continental philosophy. Mean while, the United States developed its own brand of philosophy—called pragmatism—but ultimately analytic philosophy became firmly entrenched in the United States as well. Within Continental philosophy may be found various identifiable schools of philosophical thought: existentialism, phenomenology, hermeneutics, deconstruction, and critical theory. Two influential schools were existentialism and phenomenology, and we will begin this chapter with them. Both existentialism and phenomenology have their roots in the nineteenth century, and many of their themes can be traced back to Socrates and even to the pre- Socratics. Each school of thought has influenced the other to such an extent that two of the most famous and influential Continental philosophers of this century, Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) and Jean-Paul Sartre (1905 –1980), are important figures in both movements, although Heidegger is primarily a phenomenologist and Sartre primarily an existentialist. Some of the main themes of existentialism are traditional and academic philosophy is sterile and remote from the concerns of real life. Philosophy must focus on the individual in her or his confrontation with the world. The world is irrational (or, in any event, beyond total comprehending or accurate conceptualizing through philosophy). The world is absurd, in the sense that no ultimate explanation can be given for why it is the way it is. Senselessness, emptiness, triviality, separation, and inability to communicate pervade human existence. Giving birth to anxiety, dread, self-doubt, and despair as well as the individual confronts as the most important fact of human existence, the necessity to choose how he or she is to live within this absurd and irrational world. Now, many of these themes had already been introduced by those brooding thinkers of the nineteenth century, Arthur Schopenhauer (see previous chapter), Soren Kierkegaard, and Friedrich Nietzsche. All three had a strong distaste for the optimistic idealism of Hegel—and for metaphysical systems in general. Such philosophy, they thought, ignored the human predicament. For all three the universe, including its human inhabitants, is seldom rational, and philosophical systems that seek to make everything seem rational are just futile attempts to overcome pessimism and despair. This impressive-sounding word denotes the philosophy that grew out of the work of Edmund Husserl (1859–1938). In brief, phenomenology interests itself in the essential structures found within the stream of conscious experience—the stream of phenomena—as these structures manifest themselves independently of the assumptions and presuppositions of science. Phenomenology, much more than existentialism, has been a product of philosophers rather than of artists and writers. But like existentialism, phenomenology has had enormous impact outside philosophical circles. It has been especially influential in theology, the social and political sciences, and psychology and psychoanalysis. Phenomenology is a movement of thinkers who have a variety of interests and points of view; phenomenology itself finds its antecedents in Kant and Hegel (though the movement regarded itself as anything but Hegelian). Kant, in the Critique of Pure Reason, argued that all objective knowledge is based on phenomena, the data received in sensory experience. In Hegel’s Phenomenology of Mind, beings are treated as phenomena or objects for a consciousness. The world beyond experience, the â€Å"real† world assumed by natural science, is a world concerning which much is unknown and doubtful. But the world-in-experience, the world of pure phenomena, can be explored without the same limitations or uncertainties.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Cases reslution of one organaizations in the UAE Essay

Cases reslution of one organaizations in the UAE - Essay Example The commercial and sales strategy of Mubadala revolves around the creation of long-term investments that yield credible returns. It also prioritizes capital-intensive projects with high-risk factors. Al Yah Satellite Communications has enjoyed plenty of successes since its incorporation in late 2007. The company has undertaken broad research programs so as to create a multipurpose satellite network. This system comprises of two satellites supported by an intricate network of infrastructure. Meaningful interactions with consumers have also contributed to making this the first multipurpose satellite system within the United Arab Emirates. Al Yah Satellite Communications has developed an in-depth understanding of specific requirements of the Middle Eastern market (Staff, 2011). Therefore, it has been able to create workable solutions not only for the surrounding region, but also for continental territories. Moreover, the company has satisfied the satellite needs of the Abu Dhabi government. Al Yah Satellite Communications is a pioneer in the field of satellite communications. Therefore, it is expected that the corporation will have issues at law concerning copyrights. These legal matters would be geared towards either defending their exclusive blueprints or patenting their unique productions. Whenever there is an alleged problem, the complaint is addressed either to the company directly or through the customer service section. The company lawyers are contacted so as to handle the matter in a manner that limits the liability of the enterprise. In the event where a favorable settlement cannot be obtained, the company takes the issue to court (Staff, 2011). The company lawyers are instructed to file charges only as a last resort. From that time forward, the court system is responsible to conduct conclusive investigations so as to examine the merits of the complaint. The courts issue a ruling once all deliberations have been made. If punitive measures are

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Civil Rights in Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Civil Rights in Politics - Essay Example The media is a powerful tool when it comes to shaping public opinion. One news story that negatively affected American public perception towards the U.S government in particular the NSA is the Snowden spying claims. Mainstream media spotlighted the story creating mistrust for the government by the citizenry. The media provided details of how the government was intruding into personal privacy by reading people’s mails and text messages. One can argue that were it not for the widespread media coverage the Snowden story received, there would have been little impact on the U.S citizen perception of the U.S government. Today, the average U.S citizen does not trust the government, all due to the media coverage of the Snowden and by extension the wiki leaks story. The second event where a media story has negatively affected public perception of the government and in particular the institution of the presidency is the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction story. After the 9/11 attack, the U.S government convinced the public by capitalizing on the raging emotions at the time that Saddam Hussein was the problem and that Iraq was harboring weapons of mass destruction. However, all this euphoria around Iraq was crashed when the mainstream media revealed conspiracies around the Iraq war including CIA reports showing that they had prior knowledge that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction, and that Saddam was never a threat to the United States. The media also increased negative public perception.

Apollo 13 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Apollo 13 - Essay Example It is the highest level of managerial activity and is usually directed by the company's Chief Executive Officer and executive team, and provides overall direction to the whole enterprise. Project management is the actual discipline of defining and achieving targets "while optimizing the use of resources (time, money, people, materials, energy, space, etc) over the course of a project (a set of activities of finite duration)". (Wikipedia, 2006). Project management is often times the province and responsibility of an individual person titled the project manager, and this individual seldom actually participates in the actions that produce the end result, but instead maintains the progress and productive mutual interaction and intervention of various parties in that the overall risk of failure is reduced. Apollo 13 is a movie which is highly influential in regards to promoting modern project and program management practices. This film is commonly used as an example for these theories and those of the like. This is primarily due to the fact that the objectives were made clear: classic project ones: in the words of President Kennedy: "to achieve the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth." (Morris, 1997). A strategy involving the matter of actually getting the moon and back had to be developed, which itself entirely revolved around motivational and management theories. Tasks had to be completed, such as: the engineering of the rockets, landing modules and support infrastructure had to be developed, and astronaut biobehavior in space understood and designed to; and all within highly determined schedule and cost restraints. (Morris, 1997). "The resulting project management approach was hailed at the new management paradigm: the answer to how to tackle many of mankind's problems. (Morris, 1997). Apollo 13 is a prime example of project management; it was not a project in itself, but it is the act of going from concept to definition, development, build, and hand-over. Management is an activity. It is the activity of planning, organizing, directing and controlling (Fayol et al, 1949). Most definitions of project management would agree that, at a minimum, there is (a) integration of the work of others needed to ensure project success - the "single point of integrative responsibility" (Archibald, 1997) - (b) the application of certain project management practices. It is the extent of application of these practices, and the hitherto

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Murder of Westerman as a Catalyst of the American Civil War Cruelty Coursework

Murder of Westerman as a Catalyst of the American Civil War Cruelty - Coursework Example The alliance of Southern slave states was named as the Confederate States of America, and this alliance was a result of secession of slave states from the Northern American States. There are many books that have narrated the brutal and significant events of Civil War; however, Tony Horwitz’s book Confederates in the Attic: Dispatches from the Unfinished Civil War is a considerably appropriate and successful book in which Horwitz has narrated the events in contemporary and personal context. In describing the Civil War Horwitz wrote that, â€Å"Historians are fond of saying that the Civil War occurred in 10,00 places. Poke a pin in a map of the South and you're likely to prod lose some battle or skirmish or another tuft of Civil War history† (Horwitz 18). The storytelling acquired by the author illuminates the criticality and impact of the Civil War in contemporary American Society (3-27).In the Civil War, the murder of Michael Westerman who was a supporter of confederate s is considered as one of the most significant events which had intensified the Civil War. This paper will discuss the event of the assassination of Westerman, and it will also explicate the happenings in response to this murder. It is also aimed to describe the social and emotional reasons for the murder of Westerman along with reasons which intensified the war after the murder of Westerman in the light of Horwitz narration in his book Confederates in the Attic: Dispatches from the Unfinished Civil War.Michael Westerman was during a journey with his wife Hannah just after she gave birth to twin children. Westerman was driving a red pickup truck on which a confederation flag was mounted. He was in Todd County which is a county located in Kentucky. Kentucky was not declaredly a part of Confederation States of America; however, there were many significant similarities present in the conduct of Kentucky with the ideals of Confederation States. Westerman stopped at a gas station for ref illing the fuel in his vehicle. At the gas station, there was a group of black teenager who noticed the Westerman’s vehicle with a confederation flag mounted on it which the group of black American teenagers considered as an offense (89-91). The Confederation flag was considered offensive because of the ideology of racial inequality that the Confederation States followed. Westerman was followed by the group of black teenagers who harassed him on the road several times. Westerman increased the speed of his vehicle to escape the encounter with the group of teenagers. Westerman did not know that he was being chased by another car driven by black teenagers. As soon as the car came near to Westerman's car, a teenager shot a bullet on his car. The gunshot targeted Westerman, and he was murdered in the middle of the road in Kentucky (90-93). Horwitz metaphorically displays the intensity and brutality of civil war along with his interest in it by stating, â€Å"The War’s actu al landscape was lush with color and beauty† (15).

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Digital Evidence & Legal Issues Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Digital Evidence & Legal Issues - Research Paper Example The innovative ways of gathering digital evidence are so diverse that the structures created for the conventional investigations usually no longer work for the new (Richard, Golden, & Roussev, 2006). For instance, rules that are applied by criminal investigators when confronted with privacy versus security scenarios relative to physical crime probes, usually results in astonishing outcomes in the search for digital evidence. They allow extraordinarily invasive investigatory processes to go unchecked in some cases, and yet permit incredible threats to privacy to turn legitimate investigations into a cropper. Court rulings and Congressional laws, have shored-up the weaknesses of the search for digital evidence and the prosecution of the suspects in the United States, nonetheless. Criminal evidence procedure The investigation process in regard to digital evidence, such as in system intrusion cases usually is split into three stages: It starts with the gathering of stored traces of facts from third-party databases, turns next to potential scrutiny of the exhibits, before the forensic probe of the suspected criminal’s hardware wraps up the process (Daniel, & Daniel, 2012). These three stages fulfil the primary objectives of gathering digital evidence: they include; gathering digital evidence on traffic, gathering digital evidence kept on the servers operated by cooperative third parties, and gathering digital evidence kept with unfriendly parties, which may include the suspect. Each mechanism exposes unique pieces of evidence, and requires deeper scrutiny. Collection procedure of digital evidence According to Casey (2011), the procedure of collecting digital evidence is long, tedious and sometimes yields negligible outcomes. Nonetheless, computer forensics specialists have crafted a comprehensive set of processes that forensic investigators ordinarily adhere to, when they capture and scrutinize a suspect’s computer and or related hardware. First, the i nvestigators ordinarily confiscate the computer and take it to a government forensic laboratory for analysis. This is important because the analysis of the exhibit is a time-consuming process; computer specialists, usually cannot locate the evidence on a hard drive during a search operation. At the forensic lab, the specialists begin by creating a â€Å"bitstream† image of the computer hard drive. The â€Å"bitstream† is an exact copy of all the bits and bytes kept on the hardware. The expert then carries out investigations on the â€Å"bitstream† in order to avoid any damages or alteration to the original hard drive during investigation. The crime analyst may explore different approaches such as executing successive searches for certain extensions, terms, or textual clues that match the nature of evidence sought. Alternatively, the investigator may scan through all documents bearing particular features on the sample, until there is enough proof that links the s uspect to the offense is achieved. For instance, if these techniques proved to be fruitful, and that an evaluation of the suspect’s computer reveals proof of the hacking of a company’s database, the suspect will face criminal charges (Richard, Golden, & Roussev, 2006). The prosecution will call upon

Monday, September 23, 2019

The life Winston experienced in 1984 which has a parallel in Essay

The life Winston experienced in 1984 which has a parallel in contemporary American life - Essay Example Technological innovations have deeply impacted the life of the people all over the world, and it has proved to be the single important factor in â€Å"uniting† the world. Even though â€Å"the world is one family,† is the often-repeated slogan, technology and internet revolution have achieved that goal to a great extent in their areas of influence without ever pronouncing it, and without any supporting propaganda. Weaponry and strategies play a prominent role during wartime, and propaganda has even bigger influence. Misinformation to misguide the enemy contributes in a major way to confuse the enemy. A misinformed enemy is the greatest asset to gain advantage in war-situations. Being in Britain, George Orwell watches from close range how the operations in theaters of Second World War are conducted by the powers that have major stakes in the outcome of the war. The broadcasts of BBC are greatly influenced by the dictates of the Government for its overseas propaganda. Per verse double talk is the order of the time. Orwell’s model for the lying Ministry of Truth in his book 1984 is the British wartime Ministry of Information that censors BBC broadcasts. Politicians alone cannot be blamed for the grave societal ills that are always there. Democracy is not choosing one of the two evils (political parties) once in 4-5 years. It is about active participation of the people and their willingness to protest against the smallest deviations relating to the democratic norms in any area concerning the Republic. Life for an average citizen has mostly been the same under all systems at any given time during the course of history—that is, BAD! 1984 and the conditions prevailing in America at present corroborate this fact. The people have got to be ever vigilant and keep themselves in readiness to fight for their rights. 1984 The common man, an ordinary citizen, always receives the first blow and suffers and therefore, he has to remain ever vigilant an d guard his individual freedom and other democratic rights. George Orwell is a revisionist. Officially sponsored atrocity and hate propaganda are not to his liking. History is not imagination; it needs to be subject to free and impartial enquiry and that is possible under the conditions of freedom of speech and writing. Every era has serious issues to deal with, or the issues are made serious by the rulers of the time. As for the political game, one important observation holds good for all the time, past present and future. The â€Å"Powerful Chairs† (politicians and bureaucrats) wish to maintain their hold on â€Å"Chair- less Powers† (the common citizens) for self-aggrandizement. In the present context, they extensively use the economic weapon called corruption. Take the issue of drug culture. Drugs in any form are illegal and they are confiscated and destroyed; besides the involved individuals are arrested and severe punishment follows, upon indictment. In this area , the Government is not willing to accept any new ideas and the drugs are banned outright. Banned in paper, and yet the industry thrives, due to corrupt practices at the implementation level. After the 9/11 incident, the life of the section of citizens and immigrants has been put under legal microscopic examination. The curbs are more or less similar to the ones in vogue as described in the book

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Christian Virtues in Medical Practice Essay Example for Free

The Christian Virtues in Medical Practice Essay The Christian Virtues in Medical Practice is a soul touching and brain boosting book prepared by Edmund D. Pellegrino and David C. Thomasma in 1996. It speaks of how being a Christian makes a difference in being a physician. The philosophies of the authors made a colorful explanation in the book on how virtue ethics counts a lot. Faith, hope and charity were given emphasis since it is the three Christian virtues that medical practitioners should acquire in their profession. Many things in the book relate medicine and ethics which made it interesting especially if you are a believer of the Christian faith. The book is designed with faith so that physicians will dwell not only on medical but with spiritual healing as well. It has weakness in a sense that doctors who do not profess a Christian faith will surely goes against this book. In addition to this, there are some medical explanations that cannot be simply linked to one’s belief in faith and virtues. Nevertheless majority of the book talks about ethical principles pertaining to morality, spirituality and virtue focused medical practices in health care. â€Å"Faith points the way, hope sustains us on that way and charity is the ordering principle which deliberation, raising morality to the level of love (Pellegrino and Thomasma, 1996). The aforementioned virtues will give more meaning to medicine because it is an additional healing factor to the contemporary ethics of medicine. The authors also talks about how Christian physicians may not acquire these virtues but it is a must for them to have it included in their profession. There were also viewpoints in the book telling how faith, hope and charity in medical practices should be taught even to physicians who are non-believers of Christian faith. Cases of euthanasia, abortion and incompetent surgery were cited as an example to defend the importance of attributing morality and virtue ethics in patient treatment. Violent means violates the virtue of charity which for the book is really against the Christian way of medical practice. There are hypocrisies that can be found in the book since clashing of principle based and virtue based ethics were present. It serves as a guide on how physicians should act according to the Christian teaching and at the same time never sacrifices their profession as medical practitioners. For the book itself, moral judgment is an art. Moral life is designed to make the right decisions during medical circumstances. The physician in charge should incorporate discernment and right motivation in everything he or she does. The book is not for the most part concerned with the substance of ethical decisions but with the manner of arriving at them. It is focused merely on virtue ethics and has a Christian moral philosophy that looks upon St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine. This ethical virtue can never be neglected and there have been considerable discussions of both moral theology and philosophy. Fundamentals of the book lie in the Christian understanding of the physician’s dignity. It is overwhelming to notice how the authors cite the words of Pope John Paul II as examples to fully explain their points of view. Physicians who are great followers of Christianity and incorporate medication with a heart will surely enjoy the book and share it to their non-Christian colleagues. But for those who values professionalism than faith, this book is not the right one to read. References: Pellegrino, E. D. and Thomasma, D. C. (1996). The Christian Virtues in Medical Practice. USA: Georgetown University Press.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Impact Of Legislation On Early Years Practice Education Essay

Impact Of Legislation On Early Years Practice Education Essay The purpose of this paper is to discuss current relevant legislation and how the legislation impacts on an Early Years practice. The experiences and outcomes that children receive in their earliest years can lay the foundations for their journey into adult life and beyond. Legislation has been put in place to ensure that children are given the best possible start in life and that they are given the opportunities for them to reach their full potential. Regardless of their individual needs and backgrounds of race, disability or social status, legislation ensures that they all have the same opportunities in order for them to have a good quality of life in early childhood. In addition, children have a right to be part of their community setting and develop their own individual identity. A childs social class is a major factor in the life chances and the outcomes they are likely to receive in later life. The Equality Act 2010 aims to narrow the gap between social classes, tackles barriers that are holding children back and gives everyone the opportunity to achieve their full potential and contribute in their own way to society. Children from poorer backgrounds are more likely to suffer behaviour and language problems than those from more affluent areas. Furthermore, children from affluent areas are more academically ready to start early education by the age of three years old than those from poorer areas. (Source: Elizabeth Washbrook, Bristol University based on the Millennium Cohort Study) Millennium Cohort Study, Exploration of Some Distinctive Results for Scotland These statistics show the need for early years settings to provide efficient and adequate provision for all children. Child centred settings must ensure that they are fully aware of the content of relevant legislation regarding equality and inclusion that enables children to get the best possible start and get efficient learning that meets their needs in order for them to flourish. A nursery Admission policy ensures that the allocation of nursery places is fair and equal and that there is no discrimination in relation to a childs socio-economic background with regards of where they live or parents occupational backgrounds, stops discrimination against non-admittance of a child with any disabilities or additional needs and shows no favouritism towards admissions of children with high academic level and educational attainment. This policy ensures equality for all and that places are free to all children. Settings that promote equality and inclusion are stating that they recognise and uphold childrens rights and will actively contribute to the childrens quality of life. Equal opportunities ensure all children are treated according to their individual needs. We want an education system in Scotland that is inclusive of all pupils, encouraging young people to develop, no matter what additional needs they may have. Fiona Hyslop, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning The Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 2009 provides the framework of guidance for the support that all children should receive in order for them to make full use of their abilities within their education. Practitioners must ensure arrangements are in place to identify any additional needs and the learning required, and this can be done by getting to know the child and their background and put the child at the centre. Building good relationships with children and their families will encourage the child to feel safe and develop a sense of belonging. By getting to know as much as possible about the child, practitioners can plan experiences that suit the childs knowledge, experience, age and stage of development and build on these to extend the childs knowledge and learning. North Lanarkshire Councils Inclusive Policy suggests that Personal Learning Plans, Individual Education Programmes and Records of Needs are important for a childs effective learning and through assessment and planning, will provide the foundation to ensuring the individual needs of the child are recognised and met. However, when a support plan is considered necessary, settings must take account of views from other people like parents/carers and additional adults within the setting who assist with supporting inclusion and diversity. Some of these include head teachers, Speech and Language and behaviour therapists and Additional Support Needs Assistants. This partnership will ensure close links are maintained between multi-agencies, support services and the childs family and will help to provide opportunities to share information and make decisions about the best way to meet a childs individual needs. Good inclusive settings can ensure that a child is looked after, despite their individual needs and backgrounds, and enable them to get the best out of their education. In addition, practitioners and educators should effectively practice equality for all and be aware of their own attitudes of stereotyping and discriminating against issues of race, disability, sex, social status, age and religion and be positive role models in their responsibilities to promoting equality and inclusion in their setting. Every Child Matters Framework for Inclusion Gender equality a toolkit for education staff Malik, H. (2003) A Practical Guide to Equal Opportunities, Nelson Thorner Chapter 2 Millennium Cohort Study, Exploration of Some Distinctive Results for Scotland The Child at the Centre The Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004 2009

Friday, September 20, 2019

Electronics Global Strategy In Emerging Markets Marketing Essay

Electronics Global Strategy In Emerging Markets Marketing Essay In 1947, LG was born as the Lak Hui Chemical Industrial Co. by Mr. In-hwoi Koo for manufacturing cosmetic creams. After that, the company produced radios, TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, and air conditioners as Goldstar Co. (currently LG Electronics) in 1958. The LG group was a merger of 2 Korean companies, Lucky and Goldstar; the current LG brand name was acronym from the name of these companies. With more than 82.000 employees and 110 subsidiaries and marketing units all over the world  [1]  , LG Electronics Inc. (LGE) was a successful company of Korean electronics that got the revenues of more than $43 billion  [2]  . Its products involve 4 strategic business units: Mobile communications, Digital appliance, Digital display, and Digital media such as CDMA handsets, DVD players, air conditioners, micro ovens, consumer electronics, and so on. In this report, we are going to discuss the key strengths of the Korean electronics industry during their formative years and how firms leverage these advantages to enter developed country markets. After that, the report mentions particularly about the strategic growths of LG Electronics to approach the emerging markets; and we are going to find out the commonalities across its strategies in the BRIC countries. Finally, the report will be ended with the points of learning that can be distilled from its success in emerging market and if these advantages help firms to compete in developed country or not. PART II Case Question 1 What were the key strengths of Korean electronics industry during the formative years? How did firms leverage these advantages to enter developed-country markets? During the formative years, almost Korea electronics is an Original Equipment Manufacturer such as Goldstar, Samsung, and Zenith; which received orders from global companies. This should bring them a lot of experiences on customer demand, the characteristic of markets, the customized products of some countries. The combination between innovate and education policy encouraged more students for technical education, the low-cost skills of Korean employees, the access of effective technology across all firms, the strongly development of technology in all country. Korea electronics companies can learn quickly knowledge, technologies, skills from Europe, US, Japan because government allows these foreign firms become joint venture with domestic firms. For example: LG Hitachi, Deawoo GE, Samsung Sanyo, so on. Besides that, government also focused on most sectors of Electronic industry of country, so they supported so much to develop this industry. Foreign investment was supported to develop the intermediate parts and component industry, while prohibiting foreign investment in companies producing finished goods. Korean firm with letters of credit for exports automatically received access to preferential loans. Export companies were exempted from various indirect taxes and received tax breaks for depreciation and tariff payments; they also had access to duty-free imports of capital goods. Government helped to encourage firm creating their local RD. With the developing and investment of technology, some firms stared to export their products by their own logo, not as OEM anymore like LG and Samsung. Because they were OEM of some global markets, so they already had the reference of consumers and global standards. After that, with many supporting of government, they had their manpower supplying with skills and abilities from university. Government has the tax breaks for depreciation and tariff payments for exporting companies. And the RD department had enough experience to recognize the market and give the best solution for company. As the Glodstar product lines, LGE established a central RD to develop and manufacture color TV (CTVs), VCRs and computers. PART III Case Question 2 Were there any distinct patterns in terms of the companys approach to emerging markets? Trace the commonalities across its strategies in the BRIC countries. Brazil Brazil is a country in South America wide more than 8.5 million km2, rich in mineral resources, population 190 million people with diverse cultures. Brazil is the leading economy in Latin America, ranking 10th in the world. Brazil chooses the path of economic model: fast growth with the advantage that fast economy flourishes, the growth rate in average income is very high. Besides that, government has some regulations to promote investors such as preferential tax rates, land subsidies in country, especially in some underdeveloped rainforest region. With these advantages, LG began attacking the Brazilian market in the mid-1990s. But during that time, Brazil also faced a lot of difficulties. Because their economic model is fast growth, so it also makes unequal economic, political; social increasingly fierce; the quality of life is not considered. At the late 1990s, almost global companies had to exit the market because of very high import tariffs, significant competition from the gray goods market, very low brand awareness. Inflation rate increased with high speed, local currency became unstable, exchange rates started to plummet with increasing levels of uncertainty. LG decided to make a long-term strategy, and also expanded their brand name in India. They had 2 factories in Manaus and Taubate to produce their products, this strategy made Brazil as a regional manufacturing hub to serve South America and US markets. LG also let Brazilian government know that they are a credibility partner in term of national growth by join with government to combat the problem of the rampant smuggling of gray market goods. Everybody knows that Brazil is a country passionate about soccer, Brazilian live for football. So LG had one strategy to reach millions of football fans sponsored a football club in Sao Paulo that most popular among the top clubs in the country  [3]  . By providing official uniforms with the LG logo for Sao Paulo club, LG get the instant brand recognition and fixed image in consumer. India LG began in 1993 as a form of joint venture with a consumer products company named Bestavision. They chose the Goldstar line of products to distribute in India. Since the government allowed foreign companies set up their own firms without local partnership, and the business of LG and Bestavision failed, LG decided to launch LGE India Ltd. (LGEIL) in 1997 with their own wholly owned subsidiaries in India. There were many challenges that LG had to overcome like: low brand awareness about LG brand name; LG was one of the last MNCs entered in India; high import duty of government; price sensitiveness of the Indian consumer and competitors. Following the global strategy, LG still entered and focused on the rural market. Because there are a lot of competition from local and global players in urban market; big population of rural market but also large untapped; etc. There is 1 year for them to set up manufacturing operations in Greater Noida to manufacture televisions, washing machine, etc. to over some the high import rate cost. At the first time, LG created an RD teams by local employees to customizing its products lines to meet local needs. It helped LG distribute their existing products and also customizing the new unique characteristic of products that matched the consumers expectations. This is an important resolution for LG to achieve both objectives: marketing and produce. LG had differentiated its product using technology and health care system like golden eye technology of CTVS, health air system for air conditionals, so on. They focus on emphasizing good-quality products, with prime technology and network. For customized products, they did not cut prices in manufacture existing product lines, but they decided to built new version with less material cost and also catch the needs of consumers. They kept the engineered quality of the appliances and focused on value engineering and design to manufacture at the lower cost. Such as microwave ovens with cooking menu including 77 kinds of Indian dishes  [4]  , television is displayed by 10 regional languages, washing machine with sari cycle, and so on. It helped LGEIL have all levels of consumers, especially low-class consumers, because company served exactly the need of them high quality but not expensive products. The price range of the products of LG India is quite reasonable and affordable so as to make it easier for every class of people to go for it thereby increasing the consumer level. For example, the price of Sampoorna reduces from 9000 to 5050. This shows R D team has worked very well and complete their tasks, it helps the production of LG reasonable based on deep understanding of Indias cultural and linguistic diversity. LG Company invested and created the distribution network encompassing with 65 Remote Area Offices, 60 central area offices, near to 4.000 access points in all areas, and they also had their online channel to provide information of products, comparison of prices and qualities across geographic, accept the individuals buyers. These regional distribution networks helped LG E to penetrate the B, C and D markets faster and wider. As same activity in Brazil, LG started sponsoring to catch more customers. LG became the largest single sponsor of cricket in the world, although they came from a country where cricket was not played. It immediately attacked to millions of cricket fans in this country and prelude to the success of the cricket-game TV set lines. LG also brought their products to 4 capitals of Indian cricket team for endorsing. Another strategy for other field of India, LGEIL promoted their products by Indians leading film stars. This is considered the largest film producer in the world by number of films produced annually and the number of tickets sold at cinemas, it has its owned name Bollywood to describe the effective to local consumers. After that, LG had another long-term strategy in trying to care about the social welfares in India initiatives. It created a friendly look to the company, people knew that company really did not just trading on their own country, but also cares for their lives. They subsidized the primary school education and books for children, built a village school. While most of employees of company in India were local people, they provided medical clinics for the health care strategy to employees as well as the local community. Also there were some basic levels, but LG shown that their corporation social responsible done well. As mentioned above, LGEIL put local employees staffed as the main labor force in their manufacturing. With the local employees, company could get great resource of engineering and design skills. LG Indias purposing is satisfying the needs of its consumers not only in the domestic market but all across the globe. Company is trying to make India as their training hub for global strategy. The company had begun rotating some of these managers into positions in third countries in the middles east and Africa. This is one of advantages of LG to acquire a leading position by providing fast and innovative techniques on their products. They always create new products with the best technology possible. Russia LG first entered Russia for the purpose to sale products; they imported goods manufactured from other countries and sale in Russia. Not the same as Brazil and India, LG operated themselves in and around the city of Moscow, and they just focused on Goldstar brand. LG set up an RD center and regional office in St. Petersburg for their first strategy. Till Russian engineers were known for their ability and skills in technology, company looked for talent employees to support their global employees. LG promoted their reputation by opening LG brand shops, retail channels with LG brand portfolio, culture marketing events such as LG festivals, cooking events, and so on. 1998, Russia was affected by the severe economic crisis; it made Russia faced the debt moratorium problem. This was the time LG shown their long-term strategy and loyal attitude to all Russian local and government. The more they pushed the mode of operation to dominate the market dropped; they enhance the image with consumers through the sponsorship of events, more carefully to the requirements for each market. These activities created a foundation for their premium strategy and image to local. In 2005, government allowed company to use the Narodnaya Marka logo for their products. This is an important event for LG officially recognized as a national brand, the successful of foreign company of their localization strategy. China In this market, LG first reason for entering china is lower-cost production, and they spent a lot of time to understand the local market conditions and assessing the feasibility to be successful. Since LG Electronics established its local subsidiary in Huizhou in 1992, the LG Groups 12 subsidiaries have come to manage some 34 local companies, including 22 manufacturers. LG Electronics took the top position in the Chinese domestic market in the area of TV export, CD-Rom drivers, washing machine, and air conditioners during that time because of their advantages of technological prowess and the marketability of their products. In china, they used the new strategy as a bipolar strategy a strategy offer high value-added digital home appliances to the high income earners living in the coastal areas, and low-priced household electronically appliances to general households living in the interior. China is a great resource for operating a business. With many advantages such as low labor cost, low material cost, government regulations, geographic proximity to Korea market, 16 corporate entities of LG were built in the country which focused on manufacture Plasma TV, white goods, and important research, development in 2006. LG expanded their brand to set up a manufacturing network to serve countries such as Russia and US. As 98% off employees were local Chinese and RD center, this is a smart strategy of LG in case of localization in China. For their promoting image, LG initiated an I love china campaign and passed out free sanitary masks to local citizens during the SARS crisis in China. This activity really effected to customers while others competitors tried to rundown their business. LG also well done with their Corporation Social Responsibility by launching schools, offering scholarships to economically disadvantaged students, sponsoring a touting cultural festival that would bring traditional Chinese cultural experiences to small towns and villages, founding a hospital program to provide surgical treatment to children with cleft palates. Common strategy across BRIC At the first time, LG Electronics always put up their local manufacturer and RD team with local employees to understand the need and characteristic of each market. They depend on these researches and created some specification for local. Such as in India, most of consumers require on cheap price of products, but still have the same quality of international; LGEIL decided to produce the television with a smaller screen size and scaled-down sound system. They did not forget to serve the high-end products to all markets. This is really the big success of their RD activities. They are supporting global strategy by looking for talent local employees, meaning they localize with a purpose for global market. And with local operation, they can save much of manufactured products such as materials, employees, etc. Second thing for their global strategy is they always established their brand name on rural market, where avoid the competition of those large corporations around the world. This is one unique strategy of LG because they focus on lower-class consumers and appropriate way to satisfy consumers in cheap prices but still benefit. The population of rural areas is always greater many times than urban areas. In 2007, LG Electronics reached the $2 billion marks in revenues in India; this is a good result for their strategy. By recruiting the local employees, LG E knew well about the characteristic of their consumers and this is an advantage to attack them. The company is always looking for talent employees to train them as a global standard. LG E did sponsors to the passionate of the country, such as cricket game in India, football in Brazil. Otherwise, they had good corporation social responsibility that shown local and government their loyalty. All strategies of LG E in BRIC countries are long-term commitment; this make LG has a different position compare with other operations. LG still tries to overcome all the barriers if they believe that a market is really profitable. PART IV Case Question 3 What are critical points of learning that can be distilled from its success in emerging market? How these advantages are leveraged to compete in developed countries? Are there advantages transferable? By some successful experiences of LG in BRIC countries, LG brought to people the strategy to run well an operation in emerging market. Some of their success experiences are do sponsorship, event to create an image to customers; they always had their RD team to customization their product to satisfy the markets based on localization. They still kept the global standard on their product lines and put it into new products for each market. By this way, their brand name will have the image of globalization and also get benefit for customized products. And LG focused on rural market and they know that major population of BRIC countries is poor, so they give what the customers want low price. In case of operate in developed country, LG can also use this strategy to attack their customers, but its harder. Because in developed countries, there are many sponsorship and activities daily, if their marketing strategy is not unique, LG can get many difficult to compete with others like Sony, Phil lip, etc. Foreign businesses always focus on 2 things: outsourcing and marketing when enter a country. LG really did 2 things above in BRIC countries because they built their own factories, using local people, manufacture products on their factory in each country. They produce their customized products and sale them. But maybe this strategy will not work in developed country, because of the highly cost rates. The purpose for building their outsourcing is reducing the cost, but in developed country, the cost for these activities is very expensive. There will be better for them if they just do marketing and sale activities in developed country. Other thing is their distribution network. They expanded their brand name by a lot of retail channel, offices to most areas of each country. They also can save the cost for import, export, transfer, and quickly accessible to consumers. This will be the prepare strategy before LG enter a developed country. PART V References Career LG. (n.d.). Retrieved 11 24, 2010, from LG Electronics Inc.: Corporate infomation. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2010, from LG Electronics Inc.: Grand Finale Of LGS MALLIKA E Kitchen 2010. (n.d.). Retrieved November 24, 2010, from Food and Nightlife: LG Record sales and products. (2010, 1 28). Retrieved 11 19, 2010, from Consumer Lifestyle News: LOUIS VUITTON IN INDIA Table of Contents Louis Vuitton Background Introduction 24 Case Question 1 Why do people buy luxury goods? 25 Case Question 2 Louis Vuitton is a high-end product. India is a low-income economy. Can this dichotomy be reconciled? 28 Case Question 3 What are the external factors kindering the purchase of luxury goods in a country like India? 30 Case Question 4 Why do luxury goods marketers form retail clusters? 33 Case Question 5 Why do certain luxury brands look for store locations in luxury hotels? 35 Case Question 6 How does a luxury mall work for luxury goods marketers? 37 Conclusion 39 References 40 PART I INTRODUCTION Louis Vuitton, a French fashion house officially founded in 1854, is the worlds leading of high-end fashion brand in international fashion industry. The well-known label is LV monogram which is featured on most products ranging from luxury trunks to leather goods is also as a way to deter counterfeiters. Founder of LV first launched a small leather shop in 1821 with the original products specialized in crafting fine leather luggage ware. But since recognized the demand among prestigious travelers who wanted premium steamer bags, flat cases, and weekend bags, the namesake designer, Louis Vuitton, gradually grew into a brand that offered deluxe travel goods. Back then, as successfully in establishing LV initial reputation, LV expanded the assortment to include carry-on-bags, toiletry cases, small trunks, jewelry boxes, and eventually luxury watches. Today, over one hundred and fifty year brand Louis Vuitton has been spread throughout Europe as the fashion icon of the most exquisite sy mbol. In this particular case study, we are going to discuss the reason why people purchase luxury goods, especially is LV; and how the dichotomy between a high-end product and a low-income economy to be reconciled. Then, the report will be continued with the external factors that hindering the purchase of luxury goods in India, culture typically. After that, mentioned more in international marketing, we are going to find out the reason why luxury goods marketers form retail clusters, why certain luxury goods look for store locations in luxury hotel. And finally, the report will be ended with the way of a luxury mall work for luxury goods marketers. PART II Case Question 1 Why do people buy luxury goods? Nowadays, when the world becomes globalization, there are no more barriers in the integration process of every country. Therefore, people are entitled to purchase and use global products made by international companies. Not the same as consumer goods or necessity goods, luxury goods are cyclical and correlate with GDP in specific regions, often exaggerating the up- and down-swings; in boom times, consumers demand tends to grow faster than the growth of economies (as measured by GDP)  [5]  . More precisely, luxury goods are goods for which demand is not related to income. Basically, there are three main factors that lead people by luxury goods. Especially in todays consumer-driven economy, people spend proportionately less on basic necessities and more on things based upon emotion and desire. Firstly, they buy luxury good because of its superior functionality and quality. Most of them were old because of hard working time period, so they were wealthy enough that willing to pay premium for products that had enduring value. They usually conducted extensive pre-purchase research, then making logical decisions rather than emotional or impulsive. This action highlighted the messages of product quality. And that message were information-intensive appealed to them. Consisting of connoisseurs, this category was the largest. Secondly, they are people who perceive luxury products as a reward. They saw these products as status symbols which make the personal statement that they had arrived. Highly driven, they were motivated by a desire to be successful, eager to showcase their success to others. They also were keen on appearing lavish or hedonistic. They wanted to make seemingly smart decisions that demonstrated the importance of their purchase while not leaving them open to social criticism of any kind. Thirdly, this is the smallest and consisted of younger consumers, with a higher proportion of males than the other categories. They saw luxury products as a means of self-indulgence. They enjoyed luxury products for their feel-good factor. They were emotional in their purchase decisions and were not concerned with product longevity or its enduring value. Particularly, in India, people who buy luxury goods fall into the second category. As we know, maharajahs are the most wealthy and powerful in India in the late 19th century. They are the one who prefer everything luxury to showcase their positions as great king. It was the ongoing orders from Indian royal families, among other wealthy customers, that had helps Louis Vuitton survive the Great Depression of the 1920s  [6]  .After that, although the changes in 1971, these maharajahs lost their traditional hold in post-independent India and their riches with the abolition of annual financial grants from federal government, many of them became entrepreneurs; but accidentally, the new generation of customers for LV was formed in India including start-up owners of myriad new businesses, professional CEOs in their thirties and early forties, non-resident Indian, small and medium retailers, big-brand franchisees, Bollywood actors and closet spenders. This new generation of customers coul d be the third category of who purchase luxury goods. They are new and not too many of them are really rich, but they still purchase LV as the feel good factor. Hence, they are very essential in long-term strategic development in Indian market. PART III Case Question 2 Louis Vuitton is a high-end product. India is a low-income economy. Can this dichotomy be reconciled? India, throughout history, has been a land of extremes and known for the indulgence of its opulent classes  [7]  . Typically, there are more than 600 maharajahs existed that time. They are truly powerful and wealthy enough to be considered as great king. As a positive result, most of global brands were looking India as a market with long-term potential whereby there are high demands of luxury goods from Indian royal families, so does Louis Vuitton. Until now, almost luxury brands are still survived in Indian market despite of global economic crisis. Clearly evidences are the Indian market has increased a significant percent of consumption this year when customers are more interested in walking into the outlets and, importantly, buying rather than just looking. Besides that, India is known as a low-income economy, but there are really have several wealthy people who are superior to the average population. Since Louis Vuitton made an important observation that the rich in India were flying to London, Dubai, Singapore, New York, and Paris to shop because there were noting available in India for them to buy  [8]  , the company has articulated the clear long-term goals in India that is open store in every Indian city so that the wealthy class can buy the needed items right in their home country. The World Wealth Report 2005-06, published by Merrill Lynch and Capgemini, put the number of dollar millionaires in India at 83,000 in 2005. The report also said that India recorded the worlds second fastest growth in the number of HNW individuals, 19.3 per cent in 2005  [9]  . Thus, we can easily realize the potential market of Indian consumers purchasing power. Currently, due to the capitalist mind set and growing young population, India offers to luxury brands favorable advantages such as more wealthy people, increasing awareness, increasing consumerism, and greater supply of luxury goods. Firstly, luxury product companies strategizing their entry into India were primarily targeting high-net-worth individuals because they are those with a million dollars or more in liquid financial assets. They are the largest category of spending on luxury goods as the number of them as well as their demand increased. Secondly, India young generation is now travelling abroad more than before, thus, the foreigner brand awareness is also increasing. The more they go out of the country, the more they exposure with international brands, especially luxury brands. Then, the demand of these kinds of global brands is increased in India but domestic market can not satisfy their demand. That is the reason helps luxury goods generally and Louis Vuitton particularly still existed and developed gradually in this market. Thirdly, there are also an increased numbers in consumption of non-essential items. The world is getting globalization day by day; the demand of human is not only the needs but also the wants, so that their life becomes more convenient and sophisticated. They dont afraid of giving a large amount of money to spend on a luxury product that it is worth for and satisfied their wants. Of course, there is no more guilt feeling associated with spending on luxury nowadays. Finally, together with the boom of expanding global, luxury brands opened more and more outlets in as many countries as possible, including India. Generally, in the world of opposition, this dichotomy entirely can be reconciled. PART IV Case Question 3 What are the external factors hindering the purchase of luxury goods in a country like India? Depend on several conditions of each country; the factors that are hindering the purchase of luxury goods are various. In this particular case study, we are finding out the external factors in Indian market. Advertising platform: Nowadays, Advertising is a service to the community  [10]  . It is usually revealled the latest fashions and the new popular novelties on the market. Therefore, the effect of adverting to the community is essential. Advertising has the power of persuade and influence consumer. Advertising has short-term power (conveying new information, building awareness, enhancing credibility, etc.) and long-term power (conveying brand image, attaching emotional values to the brand, building positive reputation, etc.)  [11]  . Actually, there is lack of advertising platform in Indian market. No famous magazines or newspapers are found in India at that time. Hence, LV als

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Cancer Incidence and Mortality Rates in AFrican Americans Essay

Cancer Incidence and Mortality of African Americans in Texas Cancer is a large classification of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. Undetected and uncontrolled, it can ultimately result in death. Causes of cancer can be categorized into three factors: external (chemicals, tobacco smoke, radiation, viruses), internal (hormones, immune conditions, genetics) and lifestyle (tobacco and alcohol use, unprotected sun exposure, poor nutrition, physical inactivity). Many cancers can be cured if detected and treated promptly, and many others prevented by lifestyle changes. In 2004, it was estimated that more than 1.3 million people in the United States would be diagnosed with cancer. In Texas alone, it was estimated that approximately 85,000 individuals will be diagnosed with cancer in 2004, and another 37,000 will die from the disease (Table 1). Four cancer sites account for more than half of the cancer that affect Texans, lining up with the national incidences and mortality sites. These include lung and bronchus, colorectal, breast (female), and prostate cancer. Together these four sites account for approximately 41,900 new cases of cancer diagnosed and 16,900 cancer deaths in Texans. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States and is expected to become the leading cause of death within the next decade. Cancer also is the second leading cause of death in Texas.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While cancer affects all people, studies have shown that this disease does not subscribe to â€Å"equal opportunity† mandates; varied distributions appear when cases are tallied by gender, age, race and economic groups, usually to the disadvantage of the minority in each instance. In Texas, African American men are diagnosed with cancer in higher numbers in comparison to their Non-Hispanic White and Hispanic counterparts. The mortality rates are 1.5 times greater than Non-Hispanic Whites and 2.0 times more than Hispanic males in Texas for the top five sites (larynx, prostate, stomach, myeloma and oral cavity.)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are many factors that contribute to the increased cancer risk that African American men and women sustain. Three to be discussed further will be economic, social, and cultural. All three on their own are significant enough to separate the African American population by percenta... ...Pla has treated individuals for eating disorders and has noted that her white patients were more concerned with thinness, where her black patients were more eating and binging to feel better.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While health organizations are focusing their campaigns on the convenience and importance of cancer screening procedures, the African American population is still disproportionately suffering from cancer incidence and mortality. Not until early detection is common place will the numbers change, especially with the African American elderly population expected to increase by 160% over the next quarter of a century. Works Sited Texas: Cancer Facts & Figures 2004- American Cancer Society, Texas Division, 2004 Texas Department of Health, Cancer Registry Division. Average Annual Cancer Incidence and Mortality Rates, Age-Adjusted (2000 U.S. population). 26 March 2005 National Cancer Institute. Cancer Health Disparities: Fact Sheet. April 21, 2002. 21 March 2005. United Way of the Texas Gulf Coast. Senior Reference Guide:Older African-Americans . 26 March 2005.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Whats Power Worth? :: essays research papers fc

What’s Power Worth?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When we think about air pollution and its sources we generally call to mind the things we see and smell daily. We recall the stench of diesel fumes, the plumes of automobile exhaust, or maybe the belching smoke from factories. Instead of these common culprits, maybe we should instead think about the light switch, the computer, the television, or maybe our air conditioners. We use these items everyday without a thought to the possible ramifications. These familiar household items contribute more to air pollution in our community than all of the aforementioned polluters combined. Their use requires electricity and that electricity is provided by power plants.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Electricity producing power plants are the largest source of air pollution nationwide (Izaak). More than half of the nation’s power plants produce their electricity by burning coal. These coal-fired plants in particular are responsible for the majority of the most dangerous pollutants emitted by the electric power industry. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), coal-fired plants generate, â€Å"96 percent of sulfur dioxide emissions, 93 percent of nitrogen oxide emissions, 88 percent of carbon dioxide emissions, and 99 percent of the mercury emissions† emitted by the entire power industry (sierraclub).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The power industry’s emissions result in ozone smog, reduced visibility conditions, and acid rain. Additionally, their released mercury is toxic and is absorbed by humans through the consumption of fish. â€Å"More than 70 percent of fish advisories issued [are] for mercury contamination† (sierra club). Mercury can have devastating health consequences for children and women of childbearing age. According to the American Lung Association, â€Å"Children are the most susceptible to the detrimental effects posed by air pollutants [†¦]. In Virginia, 1,256,936 children live within 30 miles of a power plant† (Clear). These close-in areas feel the greatest health impacts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The environmental and human health hazards produced by coal-fired power plants are not a new revelation. The Government recognized decades ago the serious impact of all fossil fuel burning industries. Finally, in 1970, the Environmental Protection Agency was formed. Later that same year Congress passed the Clean Air Act with the intention of significantly reducing airborne pollutants. According to Federal officials, in the past 35 years â€Å"emissions of pollutants have dropped 51 percent nationwide† (Springston). Unfortunately, when the Clean Air Act was created, a loophole was included that â€Å"grand fathered† the electric industry. Pre-existing plants were exempted because Congress believed that their useful life was only 30 to 40 years.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Issues Concerning African Americans and Puerto Ricans Essay

There are four major ethnic, cultural and racial groups present in the United States today. These groups which compose the nation’s population are the African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic and Native Americans or the Non-Hispanic Whites. From the dawn of time, issues of racial profiling have haunted the American Society, although United States of America is said to be the birthplace of patriotism unity and believed to be a nation that will adhere to intense dedication to freedom, justice and equality (Feagin, 1978). The vast diversity of the American population which characterizes the nation’s inhabitants has often resulted to disorder and chaos, as discrimination exists across the nation. Although the government has taken some actions and laws have been made and are implemented, they are not enough to counteract the racism problem at hand which is deeply rooted in the American tradition, as a longer time may deemed necessary before the public become accustomed to a racial free society. If the authorities are keen on abolishing and eliminate racial discrimination, it then important that they see to it that the public would have a better understanding and background of the different ethnic and minority groups. Awareness to their values, customs and traditions are small little steps that may eventually lead to these groups coexistence. For this reason, the paper discusses two of the major groups that play important roles in shaping the United States social structure, the African Americans and the Puerto Ricans. The emergence of Africans Americans or the black Americans population, which are United States residents but with blood lineage from the black racial group of Africa, in the United States can be traced back way before 1800’s as majority of black Americans have their descendants in the United States. While White Americans came to the United States voluntarily, their Black counterparts were not given a choice as majority of the black population came in America as slaves (Feagin, 1978). It is noting to know that among the different ethnics group that come and settled in the United States, African Americans are the only group which have come not in accordance with their own free will. They were used as servants in large agricultural fields. It was believed that the first African American that had entered the borders of the United States settled in Jamestown. Their slavery and the hard labors they performed served as their free passage to the United States as they are compared to English poor people. However during the great American Civil War, by virtue of the proclamation signed by President Abraham Lincoln, the Emancipation Proclamation, African Americans became free. But then the post war era, the restoration period, calls for the segregation of blacks from the whites and deteriorates what was supposed to be period of new beginning for the blacks.. In order to free themselves of troubles and violence brought by discrimination, most Black Americans followed the law which dictates racial segregation. However, as violence related to racial discrimination became widespread, calls for abolishing the racial profiling laws also intensify as growing African American heritage and intellect became more evident. The era of civil rights movement which aimed to promote camaraderie and embed equality by eliminating racial discrimination help largely to the Black Americans cause of seeking dignity for their culture and race. Thus, when the Black Power Propaganda was formed a more complex ideology was born as African American seeks for moral dignity, fairness, justice and freedom from white oppression. Today, free from slavery and contributing vastly to economics and politics and enjoying a legal status, Black Americans have enjoyed a great deal of success as they experienced and enjoyed greater rights, far from what were their ancestors have before. However, complete satisfaction and recognition of their rights will have to wait for another few years as white people and custom is still the dominant culture in the United States. The radical change, however, which started from the nineteenth century are strong indications and evidence of the emerging power the African Americans are obtaining. African Americans now have greater access top higher educations and growth in employment as blue and white collar workers are also evident. Disparity between the poverty of black and people have also reduced and many black Americans now have there owned home. However, the sad part is although continuous improvements are achieved each day, black Americans are still at disadvantage with the white people. It can be observed in issues regarding health insurances and benefits and institutional racism, which is very much present especially in middle school’s class. In fact, a report in Rutherford country showed that massive complaints of racial discriminations are filed as parents are alarmed with the growing numbers of black students that are suspended. Compare to their white counterparts, black students continue to be suspended at much higher rates, raising the question of racial discrimination in imposing discipline among the students. In 2006 for instance, 14. 4 % of black students were suspended in the district, which causes a handful of students to lag behind their studies (Scott, 2007). On the other hand rate of suspension for white students stand at 6. 6% (Scott, 2007). Figures and numbers indicate that the rates at which black students are suspended are more than double of the rate at which whites are. This then has poses an alarmed to the black population as their children are put into a disadvantage situation. Just like the African Americans, Puerto Ricans suffer a great deal of oppression and poverty as they occupy the bottom most part of the United States’ social hierarchy for years (Feagin, 1978). They are considered as one of the world’s poorest groups, however, Puerto Rico posses a great link to the Caribbean world and the developing counties across the globe, which the United States social failed to utilize for their own advantage as it failed to realize its importance to the nation. The emergence of the Puerto Rican Ethnic group dates back to the time when the island which was then named as Borinquen, was a colony under the rule of Spain. For 400 years, Spain uses it as a strategic base. The island was a home for different tribes of Taino, however as the Spanish settle with in the island, population of the Indian tribes gradually diminished as generations passed by. Disappearance was due to the fact that Spain used them for forced labor in mines -which causes natives to acquire disease, massive exterminations and racial intermingling and merging. During that time, where in slavery was widespread, large number of African Americans was brought to Puerto to replace the natives as workers. Thus, the present genetic component of a modern Puerto Rican is a mix of Spanish, native Indians and African American. In 1898, as Spain succumb to American power during the Spanish-American War it surrendered Puerto Rico to the United States. Americans deemed Puerto Ricans as ignorant and as result, self governing was denied to them and Puerto Rico become entirely dependent to the US government. Puerto Ricans were left confused politically and culturally as they desperately ask matters about the issue of their citizenship. US Congress however, denied them of acquiring US citizenship relating that Puerto Ricans and Americans should not be treated as equal and they are inferior compare to them. But a year before the US plunged into the World War I, it granted Puerto Ricans US citizenship. With the booming population and stagnant economics, Puerto Rico became one of the poorest countries around the globe in the 1940’s. In an effort to escape the harsh reality of life in the island, many of the population migrated to the United States, bringing with them the hope and the promise of an American Dream. However, the situation would not be different, as immigrants would fail to land jobs and are exploited. Furthermore, housings were prioritized for Native Americans. Language handicapped was also a barrier, which leads to them being discriminated. Puerto Ricans are also identified with Catholicism and Christianity which is teaching based from Spanish colonial times, and since the structure of the American church is Protestant, conflicts often arise. Businessmen of Puerto Rico descends, would often complain of the difficulty in getting loans. With automation starting to engulf the business and industrial sections, Puerto Ricans further sink to the bottom of the social pyramid as they become more isolated, like the black people. There were no opportunities that were presented for them as they lack the skills to land jobs. But then came the era of being unrest, the emergence of Civil Rights Movement and Anti-Poverty Groups in the 1960’s helped Puerto Ricans stimulate and assimilate into the American society, culture and politics (Nash, 2000). The movement and program covers every Puerto Rican and led to astounding solutions to the problems that result from ethnics and cultural differences and inconsistencies which are related to the failure to be in accordance with the dominant American Culture. The emergence of theses groups had opened the eyes of the Puerto Rican public to seek for fair and just treatment and uphold their dignity. Although they have been successful in appealing for changes, after decades of struggling for political representation, culture and customs respect and their placed into the American Society, Puerto Ricans are today just slowly beginning to achieve and realize the progress and results. Whether it is questions about citizenship status, welfare and housing programs, bilingual and multi-cultural education or electoral power, Puerto Ricans had stood the test of time and has proven it is capable of complex assimilation to the dominant American society. However for Puerto Ricans and other ethnic minorities and racial group in America, being subordinate to the dominant American culture is a continued struggle as still they are treated unjustly. References Feagin. J. (1978) Racial and Ethnic Relations. Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall. p. 212, p. 298 Scott, B. (2007). Daily Race Colors Suspensions. News Journal Murfreesboro. Nash, K. (2000). Contemporary Political Sociology: Globalization, Politics, and Power. Blackwell Publishers.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Descriptions And Categories Of Hurricanes Environmental Sciences Essay

IntroductionHurricanes are tropical storms with air current velocities transcending 74mph. They typically occur over oceans and get down their formations from the equatorial parts of the universe. They are really complex conditions phenomena that are still hard to understand. They are besides called tropical cyclones and typhoons. in order for them to be classified in 1969 by Saffir, H and Simpson, B. developed a graduated table which is used to categorise them, this is refered to as the Saffir-Simpson graduated table. They range from least harmful to the most harmful ranging from class 1-5 ( Katsaros et al, 2002, ) . Hurricanes are normally accompanied by storm rushs. In order to understand the character of hurricanes the ambiance over oceans are continuously observed by assorted conditions orbiters in infinite, and other aerial detectors. Storm surges normally accompany hurricanes. Classs Cardinal Pressures in millibars Wind velocities Miles per hour Damage 1 & gt ; 980 74-95 Minimal 2 965-979 96-110 Moderate 3 945-964 111-130 Extensive 4 920-944 131-155 Extreme 5 & lt ; 920 & gt ; 155 Catastrophic Table 1: Showing Saffir-Simpson graduated table â€Å" Beginning: Adapted from katsaros et Al ( 2002 ) † Figure 1: Partss of a hurricane â€Å" Beginning: NASA online † The parts which are: the oculus, the wall and the rain sets.Remote Sensing of hurricanes.As a consequence of their really destructive nature, hurricanes are monitored by orbiters and aerial remote feeling engineerings. The type of detectors used scope from the optical, micro-cook and non merely by conditions orbiters but by several other orbiters. In the instance of exigencies other orbiters are besides used to supervise hurricanes. Table 2 below shows some of the orbiters and aerial detectors that are used in the instance of exigencies to supervise hurricanes. Optical and micro-cook orbiters are frequently really critical in supervising hurricanes as they tend to come on. Due to their big spacial declarations, they can be used to track the flight of hurricanes. These optical imagination are besides sometimes used in the absence of Radar techniques, to analyze the physical belongingss of hurricanes. These physical belongingss include: liquid H2O way, thermodynamic stage of atoms and their approximative size ( Kokhanovsky & A ; Hoyningen-Huene, 2004 ) In order to supervise hurricanes as they progress, in order for hurricanes to be understood in the context of its character and physical belongingss, microwave orbiters provide seasonably atmospheric coverage as they can perforate clouds and due to their long wavelengths and work irrespective of twenty-four hours or dark. ( Navalgund et al, 2007 ) . Scatterometers, Man-made Aperture Radar and micro-cook radiometers are some of the instruments uses in microwave remote feeling. While Scatterrometers and Man-made Aperture Radar are active detectors breathing their ain energy, Microwave Radiometers merely step reflected energy transmitted to it as it is a inactive detector. Scatterometers are used to mensurate surface air current velocities and way. They measure ocean surface raggedness and are really sensitive instruments. If the air current velocity is non Of all the declarations, a high temporal declaration is the most of import in tracking the way of a hurricane. This is non to state that radiometric, spectral and spacial declarations are non of import. This is necessary in order to adequately foretell the way of the hurricane and to efficaciously supervise its advancement to state if its strength is reduced or increased. Besides, information and information about hurricanes can easy go out-of-date as as the hurricane changes its class. Timely airing of informations from a hurricane is necessary in order for the terminal usage which might be a catastrophe monitoring bureau to accurately circulate information to the general populace. Besides, a high spectral declaration is needed in order to easy separate between sets, to be able to properly analyse informations presented. Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer ( MODIS ) has really high spectral declaration of 32 sets when compared with Landsat Thematic plotter which has 7 sets ( Womble et al 2006 ) . In the trailing of the hurricane, a really larger spectral declaration will find the peculiarity between sets and the ability to spot information. Determining the perpendicular construction of the ambiance requires a high spectral declaration infrared observations. ( Schmit et al 2009 ) . Synergy or a combination of the assorted distant feeling engineerings frequently produce the best information needed to understand hurricanes. In a study carried by MCEER in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, it was found that earlier forcasts about the class of the storm was incorrect. By uniting informations from assorted assorted orbiters, the true magniturde of the hurricane was determined ( Womble et al 2006 ) . Future tendencies in hurricane forcasting will concentrate on bettering spectral declaration in order to be able to easy demonstrated engineering such as the advanced IR sounder engineering will enable â€Å" A geostationary advanced IR sounder would supply breakthrough measurings on the clip development of horizontal and perpendicular H2O vapour and temperature constructions. These measurings would be an unprecedented beginning of information on the dynamic and thermodynamic atmospheric Fieldss, an of import benefit to nowcasting and numerical conditions anticipation † ( Schmit et al 2009 ; 2274 ) A high radiometric declaration on the other manus will take to greater peculiarity in images. The higher the spectral declaration of the image, the more characteristics can be distinguished. The areal extent covered when tracking a hurricane should non be so much in order for the Instantaneous field of position non to be excessively much. In accessing jeopardies after the hurricane, a spacial declaration is needed. As u can non hold it all, trade offs are made and determinations as to instruments which can integrate all of these features possibly will give better apprehension of hurricanes.Table 2: Distant feeling informations used in hurricane monitoring. â€Å" Beginning: Womble et Al ( 2006 ) † REMOTE SENSING OF HURRICANES The first conditions orbiters which were launched provided planetary coverage of conditions events and due to their low spacial declarations. They besides had high temporal declarations supplying seasonably updates every bit frequently as every 30mins. These orbiters include APPROPRIATENESS OF REMOTE SENSING TECHNOLOGY TO SOCIO ECONOMIC SITUATION The socio-economic stableness attained by the western universe has enabled her to accomplish and be able to develop and afford really expensive engineering such as distant detection. The placing of orbiters in infinite whether Geostationary or polar orbiting and the usage of other signifiers of airborne ( aeroplanes, balloons etc ) Remote Sensing Technology, the benefits derivable from timely warning of catastrophes such as hurricanes can non be of all time emphasized ( Murthi & A ; Madhusudan 2008 ) . Without this engineering natural happenings such as hurricanes can non be predicted. Remote feeling engineering by enabling early sensing of natural catastrophes and triping off widespread warning enables catastrophe warning and catastrophe direction proparations to be carried out. Disaster direction organic structures such as FERMA, seashore guard both of the united provinces are better equipped to work decently and can assist salvage 100s of 1000s of lives and harm to belongings can besides be reduced. â€Å" Satellite observations of land, oceans, atmosphere, and specifically, during natural and human-induced jeopardies have become important for protecting the planetary environment, cut downing catastrophe losingss, and accomplishing sustainable development † ( Navagundi et al 2007: 1747 ) . As a consequence of timely warning of impending catastrophes, concerns are given early warnings and can shut on clip, and belongingss which can be moved out of injuries manner were moved. In 1992, hurricane Andrew destroyed about 25,524 places and damaged another 101,241 taking to estimated amendss of $ 25billion. Besides, in 2005 hurricanes Denis, Katrina, Rita and Wilma caused huge amendss amounting to $ 32.83 billion ( Otero et al 2009 ) . IMPORTANCE OF REAL TIME REMOTE SENSING TECHNOLOGY In supervising hurricanes as they grow and advancement, existent clip information or information is required as information can easy go out-of-date. Timely data entree and airing is really of import peculiarly in hurricanes. Although satellite engineering provides information about hurricanes they do non demo plenty item to be able to really accurately predict their tends or proctor hurricanes. NASA normally flies aircraft into the oculus of the hurricane to be able to acquire more item about the hurricanes. In cases when it is excessively unsafe to wing, aircrafts that do non necessitate worlds are flown into the hurricanes to be able to acquire more inside informations and timely updates. Hurricane Katrina presented new frontiers for research as it showed oversights in satellite anticipations. Initial premises based on the safir-simpson graduated table declared hurricane Katrina as a class 4 storm. Latter ratings utilizing a synergism of low declaration orbiters, moderate declaration orbiters, high declaration orbiters and high declaration aerial imagination showed that it was a class 3 storm and that the sum of devastation that accompanied it was a consequence of the storm rush which was still category 5 ( Womble et at 2006 ) . Detailss of the orbiters and their declarations is given below in table 2. Had the exact strength of the storm rush been known before Katrina hit, there would hold been a more equal readying and exigency response. REFEERENCES Dabas, A. ( 2010 ) Detecting the Atmospheric air current from infinite. Comptes Rendus Geosciences. Article in imperativeness. Available from hypertext transfer protocol: // [ last accessed 02 January 2010 ] Harding, L.W. , Miller, W.D. , Swift, R.N. & A ; Wright, C.W. ( 2003 ) Aircraft Remote Sensing. Encyclopaedia of Ocean Sciences. Pp.113-122. hypertext transfer protocol: // [ last accessed 02 January 2010 ] Katsaros, K.B. 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