Saturday, August 31, 2019

Education + Parents involvement Essay

Childhood carries a similar attitude for all the children [boys and girls] unto the age 3 years in respect of play, fun and learning. A careful study of Montessori education reveals that the child develops learning, reading and a domestic-kind of assignment as a workshop, tells a lot about the child within three years. This is irrespective of the gender. Reading skills are picked up by children only in this age. Influence on Early childhood education World Literacy of Canada (WLC) approach to early childhood education programming in recent years has been the Early Years of Study – This study of Reversing the Real Brain Drain (published in 1999) by Hon.Margaret Norrie McCain and Dr.J.Fraser Mustard. The findings are: Need for early childhood development programs based on the new understanding of brain development in the early years of and its effect on subsequent learning, behavior and health for individuals. First three years of a child, sets the stage for competence and coping skills for the later stages of life. Need for more integrated framework for early child development and parenting support. Recommendations for parental guidance: Parents must be provided with awareness, support and skills for the early development of their children. Build relation with children. Undertake programs to parents and educators to learn new ways to nurture children and develop responsive relationships between adults and children. Participation of parents in children’s programs. ï‚ § Interactive and supportive learning system with children along with parents. ï‚ § Active role with children in play and reading at home. ï‚ § Create a safe and friendly environment for children. ï‚ § Create programs where children of all backgrounds and abilities will feel loved and valued – this will stimulate brain development, learning and self-confidence. ï‚ § Play-based learning, and problem solving for young children under the guidance of educators and parents. Resources of early childhood development ï  ¶ Toy and resource libraries ï  ¶ Nutrition programs ï  ¶ Cultural events for children .e.g mobile toy book lending libraries ï  ¶ Theme-based learning ï  ¶ Play-kits. Special efforts and care for parents who are isolated to participate and benefit from the program. Create an awareness that children are part of social structure and emphasis on early childhood development. Parents involvement and its influence on achievement of Reading by students. The approach of the parent towards children is of similar kind with regard to education. Parents who stay-at-home moms can dedicate more time for motivating children in their reading habits especially to boys, by studying their interests and by discussing the topics which will detail about their approach to reading habits. Compelling boys to read for a certain hours of a day, forcibly, would not derive maximum results, as some parents believe. Instead motivation and allowing the boys to think and re-think about themselves, is certainly an achievement for the parents in the long run for developing reading habits. Today’s tech-savvy days also stand as a hindrance to the attainment of reading habits to children. The reason being, an easy access to television, computer, internet, video games, cartoon movies has enabled the children to move away from books, which is not at all a good ground for school education. Parental guidance with teacher’s support is the only solution for imbibing reading habits to children. For instance, the recent ‘Harry Potter’ novels have created a large amount of selling of books around the world. Harry Potter, movies as well as books have been sold by publishers. This includes readers of all ages, including adolescents. †¢ Sorcerer’s Stone †¢ Chamber of Secrets †¢ Prisoner of Ascaban †¢ Goblet of fire This is a relevant example, that children do read books, based on fiction, magic and fun. When it comes to the reading of curriculum, children may not feel as interesting as the fiction is. There is still scope for creating energy and interest among the students, and it mostly rests on the shoulders of parents and teachers. The precious hours of study of students are in the environment of school. The core area for their their learning activity and personality development. Students depict 60 percent effect of their school, while the parental guidance is only 40 percent. Most of the part what they are is shaped only in school. It is a well-known fact that parents and teachers work together to bring the best out of the students. How can parents tell if teachers are doing a good job?   Ed World’s â€Å"Principal Files† team members offer their perspective. Included: Look at the work students bring home and â€Å"the hard sell†. Parents communication with teachers is the key ingredient to the parents to know how their children are studying in the school. Term Grade papers, newsletters give a correct picture of students performance. According to Principal Nina Newlin â€Å"A teacher who has a good relationship with students is likely to be a regular parent informant†. nformation can be through email, telephone but there is a genuine concern about events in classroom to inform to the parents.. Mostly students evaluate a good’ teacher. Parents are also are guided by students in getting answers for their questions.   Students are always honest in answering to the questions of parents about the events in the classroom. Conversation at dinner table, a look at home work or a independent activity given, suggest to the parents, the performance of their children. A prompt check over the assignments is very important duty on the part of parents for the overall efficiency of the student. It also discloses a fact to the student that he/she is being monitored closely and there’s no opportunity to haywire. Many schools follow the procedure of being fair in classroom rules and procedures, tough in standards of performance, and fun in learning and classroom lessonsâ€Å"follow them home† wherever it is required.   Visiting school premises and watching students in the classroom also gives a true picture and to the satisfaction of the parents.   Volunteering also helps parent-teacher community to train the students for maximum achievements in their academic pursuit. Ultimately, if the student is happy and active in and out of learning area, it is learnt by the parent that the student is learning and happy in school area. What are effective steps for boys literacy with the involvement of parents Many child psychologists agree that adaptation of psychological methods to motivate children in inculcating reading habits, would certainly bring about a change in the development of boys. A thorough, methodical and continuous assistance of the parents is required, without imposing any punishments but rewards for one-to-one achievements that a child is prompted to do. In other words, ‘if you read this particular book and tell me’ ‘a reward would be a candy or a snack of your choice’. To this many child psychologists agree. Children are more smarter than parents. Therefore, parents must never let the children know that they are indirectly pursuing the children towards the concept of ‘sit with books for hours and read’, instead an idea of ‘helping hand’ or an atmosphere of an activity should be created. Parents can also prepare a long-term plan for improving the reading habits, by maintaining a statistical record of hours of reading spent by the child. This will also give a clear picture to the parent, whether the goal is being attained. A good amount patience, having a great understanding about the child, likes and dislikes, dos and don’ts, individual perception of the child towards the environment, study of personality will truly help the parent to remove the lacunae in the child. Particularly in the case of boys, in their adolescence they are action oriented. In other words, play indoor games, outdoor games, video games, watch movies, ride bikes, are some of the areas of interest for a large number of boys. A good and plain discussion with boys, about their activities outdoor, at school or college, a bit of guidance, without involving any argumentative statements, will direct the boys to ‘the thinking area’ of their own attainments and to reach set goals. A good friend for a boy should be made available ‘at home itself’ and that is none other than the ‘parent’. Many experts on education made the research study on boys reading habits. They formed an opinion that, boys mostly feel reading is an activity done by girls. Thus, boys are trailing behind the girls. A recent study in Canada, published in ‘Reading Manitoba’ found that 76% of the boys interviewed did not see reading as a feminine activity, and 73% enjoyed reading. Experts opine that offering the choice of material according to the boys interest, would be a good solution in achieving reading habits to the boys. Conclusion Education for children all over the world carries a great importance. Nations which are developed have more advanced sources for imparting education viz., Australia, Newzealand, U.S., Britain.   An analysis of education states that, many parents opt education overseas instead of domestic education. The reason being, parents believe, that the overseas curriculum is extensive, focusing the student to many aspects of education. Although this is partly true, the domestic education shapes the students [K-12] and effective methods of imparting education and touching the interests areas of students must be developed. For instance., domestic projects, like ‘how to do laundry’ ‘how to be a good host’ ‘attend a super market’, these will outline the interests of a students and reveal so much of personality from the students. Based on the results, parents and teachers can study their interests, and accordingly encourage them reading habits in those areas, thereby students also begin to learn to be active.   Modern day system of education, is such as mushroom of notes and homework, internals, exams, to some extent children also feel agitated over the system of education and lose the interest in studies. Adding to this, if parents emphasise more on reading, they catch the boredom and flee to find fund moments elsewhere, which is a common factor among students.   Finally to conclude, a change in system of education, close monitoring by parents and teachers will only lead the children back to the good old days of reading comics, enid blytons, phantom or sherlock holmes. Article by Gary Hopkins,Education World ® Copyright  © 2004 Education World

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